The Benefits of Professional Dental Cleanings and How Often You Should Schedule Them

You brush twice a day. You’ve cut back on the sugary drinks and sticky candy. You even floss after you brush your teeth. Why do I need a professional to clean my teeth when I take care of them myself? We here at Donahue Dental want to share seven reasons why you should have a professional dental cleaning that we have learned about over our 33 years of serving people with their dental needs.

Professional Dental Cleaning Services in St. Charles, MO

How Often Should You Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning

A professional dental cleaning consists of removing any dental plaque by scaling and planing your teeth. This is an essential process to your overall dental hygiene that should be done twice a year, or every six months. During your dental cleaning, it may be advised that you visit more regularly to have a professional clean your teeth until they are restored to health.

Benefits of Professional Dental Cleaning

If you are still wondering if you need a professional to clean your teeth when you do a perfectly fine job, here are seven reasons why you should have a professional clean your teeth:

Removal of Tartar and Plaque

The best home dental hygiene can’t remove all of the tartar and plaque from your teeth and gum line. A professional dental cleaning will remove tartar and plaque from above and below the gum line. They will also be able to remove all the bacteria and deposits that have settled in the gum pockets to prevent serious periodontal problems. The removal of tartar, plaque, and bacteria will help to prevent more serious dental conditions.

It brightens your smile

Your teeth become stained over time by the different food and drink that you consume. Even if you are careful not to consume food and drinks that will stain your teeth, they become discolored and need to be cleaned to remove these built-up stains. As part of the dental cleansing process, the dental professional will perfectly polish your teeth to provide you with your brightest smile yet. They may also recommend a prophylaxis treatment that can rid your teeth of these stains that have discolored your teeth.

Bad Breath is Reduced

Bad breath is more than “morning breath” or what your breath smells like after you have eaten something pungent. Bad breath is a medical condition called halitosis. One of the reasons your breath has an unpleasant odor is because of the bacteria, rotting food particles possibly below the gum line, and potentially gangrene that is a result of a gum infection. The frontline defense against bad breath is daily brushing and flossing, but a professional dental cleaning treats your entire mouth beyond what daily brushing brings which will leave your mouth healthier, fresher, and reduce infection in your mouth.

Cavities are Prevented

One of the reasons for tooth decay is plaque buildup on your teeth. Plaque eats away at the enamel of your teeth leaving them susceptible to cavities. Professional dental cleaning removes the plaque buildup on your teeth to keep the plaque from eating away the enamel of your teeth. A professional dental cleaning, added to your daily brushing and flossing, prevents cavities.

Tooth Loss is Prevented

Plaque not only eats away the enamel of your teeth, the plaque buildup also loosens your tooth and gum lines. As your tooth and gum line loosen your mouth becomes more susceptible to gum disease which is a leading cause of tooth loss. When a dental professional removes the plaque from your teeth, your tooth and gum line stay healthy and firm, preventing gum disease and tooth loss.

Early Detection of Dental Problems

Oral pain is usually intense and interrupts daily life. During your professional dental cleaning, the professional cleaning of your teeth will also check your teeth for tooth decay, cavities, fractured teeth, and lost or broken fillings. By discovering these problems early on, the hope is to fix the problems so they don’t become more serious, painful, and expensive over time.

More than Your Oral Health is Boosted

Your oral health is related to your overall health and there is a direct correlation between poor oral health and a diagnosis of diabetes and heart disease. During your professional dental cleaning, your dentist may also be able to diagnose other medical conditions during your exam.

If you live in, or around, St. Charles and need a dentist or have questions about your oral health, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Donahue Dental. You can find us online or call us at 636.487.5652.